Monday, August 23, 2010

cupertino to san carlos ride 8.22.10

what a beautiful day! i'm thinkin' the best weather so far this summer. made for a nice hard-as-i-could-go ride about 34 miles. started in cupertino then made it to foothill expy. and flew on the masi 3v to los altos for the vette show. those corvettes filled the entire length of main st. must've been every vette in the state was there - ok, maybe only 1/2 of them... after the show it was more hard cranking back on foothill heading north then left on alpine and right on portola valley rd. very nice riding and i notice the stone house is for sale again. wonder how much it is now? oh, listed for 2.3 - shoulda bought it 10 yrs. ago for 1 mil... continuing on i took mtn. home rd. to roberts mkt. since i was starving but didn't see anyone i knew to watch my bike while i got one of those long prosciutto sandwiches. saw reesie heading south on caƱada rd. about a mile later but guess i didn't yell loud enough for her to notice - probably hard to hear anything when you're riding eleventy-seven mph. just about the 280 junction i ran into a couple young ladies and their dad selling lemonade at their stand - that was a life saver and got the masi and me the rest of the way home. thx masi and lemonade and a fantastic weather day!

'til next time, "Have a Nice Ride"

1 comment:

MELI. said...

oh that masi is a class act <3